Hi, I’m Orion (he/him)

I live in Los Angeles, California with my sweetest cat Mallow, in this beautiful city with eternal sunshine. The work I do as a healing companion is informed first and foremost by own lived & embodied experience of recovery, and the fundamental relationships with my mentors I’ve built along my path. My teachers are somatic companions, soul archeologists, spiritual facilitators, psychedelic guides, integration coaches, artists, tarot readers, movement trainers, and yoga instructors. My embodied knowledge comes from my relationship with Mallow, the various critters and trees that live in my local park, my friendships, the warm soothing water I bathe in at the Korean spa and the icy freeze of a cold plunge when I get overheated. My feet, toes, belly, past versions of myself, & plant medicine all inform my work.

I originally sought out healing work through the field of therapy. I got my Masters in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University Los Angeles in 2021. After my traineeship, I realized this path through the mental health industrial complex offered only a very limited path to healing. Talk therapy could only bring my clients so far. I became painfully aware of its fraught relationship to the prison industrial complex and started seeking alternatives. I was also disturbed by the expectations placed on therapists to be a blank slate and to keep our Selves, our identities, and our experiences out of our work. I wanted to do work that allowed me to show up as my full self, and to share authentic connection with my clients. It felt clear to me that the model of therapeutic work I was being trained into came from a lineage of harmful systemic violence, disconnection from ourselves and our communities, disembodiment, and poor relational boundaries. I was taught coercive and manipulative care practices, over responsibility for my client’s choices (which belittled their autonomy), and passive ways of communicating that I later discovered were not in alignment with non-violent communication strategies. I quickly lost my interest in providing therapy.

As I explored alternative and holistic healing modalities in my own personal recovery journey from complex trauma & Lyme disease, I discovered a world of possibility for healing lay outside the realm of therapy*. Working with various healers and wellness coaches from diverse fields such as a somatic companion, a soul archeologist, a movement trainer, energy workers, tarot readers, Akashic Records readers, mediums, and more, I finally started tasting the relief I’d been seeking for years. I also began to see how authentic relational attunement & connection, an embodiment of Self energy, and an awareness of the non-human world was at the heart of what made these humans so impactful in my journey. I learned how important boundaries, access to choice, and non-violent communication are to facilitating authentic relational safety and connection. At long last, I finally discovered what had been missing in my previous forays into therapy, that therapy had been unable to provide. After 1.5 years in a wheelchair, I am slowly learning how to walk again and developing a new -& more loving and intimate- relationship with my body. These are the learnings I wish to share with others.

I help my clients connect with their intuition, their bodies, and take ownership over their own lives.

I chose to carve a path in the footsteps of my mentors that centers each client as the guide in their own journey. I am not a therapist, and I do not seek to heal you of your wounds. This is something no one else can do for you. What I offer is to help you get in touch with your own innate capacity to heal. This work is self-led by you, and I have the honor of accompanying you on your journey. Imagine a gentle riverbed for the river that is you. I provide a soft sandy riverbed that moves with and is moved by you, while you move in the direction you were always meant to go in.

I have many different tools in my toolbox from the various approaches I’ve explored that I bring to each session, based on your unique needs. Together, we curate a space that nurtures your capacity to grow, release old burdens, and embody your Self in the present moment so you can live the life you’ve always wanted to live.

Learn more about my work here.

10 years of farming land in this body before changing careers and entering this healing work continues to inform my work via my spirituality, connection to the land, plants, animals, plant medicine, labor, food, movement, & the sky. Working directly underneath/inside of/with the sky for so many years has most certainly ushered me towards where I am today.

16 years being out as queer, 8 years on a journey of gender discovery, and 5 years being out as a trans man informs my work via the wild, beautiful, and powerful experience it is to be a person in an ever-expanding journey towards being their most authentic Self.

*I am not a therapist or healthcare provider and I do not diagnose or treat any conditions. My role is to provide companionship, peer support, & health coaching. Healing companionship services are not intended to be a substitute for professional mental health or medical care by a licensed healthcare provider.

Education & Lineage

Student of the Somatic Experiencing Professional Training Program

Decolonized Non-Violent Communication via Meenadchi’s Reflective Listening Series

Healing Money Trauma Program by Meenadchi 

By Star & Sea Tarot Course by Julia Inglis

Level 1 trained in Internal Family Systems by the Internal Family Systems Institute

Masters in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University Los Angeles

Bachelors in Human Ecology from College of the Atlantic

Intercultural & Transpersonal Depth Psychology via Antioch University Los Angeles

Navigating Psychedelics For Clinicians and Wellness Practitioners by Psychedelics Today

Mentorship with Phoenix MacGregor, Soul Archeologist, in psychedelic somatics

Mentorship with Char Azad, somatic companion and group facilitator

Personal training with Monica Davis & Marcela Isaza, movement trainers

Weekly yoga classes with Puja Singh Titchkosky