Relational Companionship

This work is somatically attuned conflict mediation.

Conflict and disagreement can overwhelm our nervous systems. When we have the skills we need, they don’t have to be overwhelming.

When we are overwhelmed, we have trouble accessing our feelings and needs, and communicating them with our loved ones.

In this work, I hold somatically attuned space for you to navigate these waters. Together, we learn and practice somatic tools to help us navigate those tricky moments in conflict when our nervous systems freak out. We learn how to notice and expand our nervous system’s capacity, and how to attune to each other’s nervous systems with care.

We practice these tools together live so that your body experiences them first hand, which makes it much easier to integrate into other parts of your life outside session.

I use Decolonized Non-Violent Communication to support us in connecting with our feelings, needs, and sensations and learn how to communicate what we are noticing in ourselves with our loved ones.

This work brings our Healing Companionship into the relational space.

In 1:1 Companionship sessions, we learn how to swim in our own energy, root into our own ground, and attune to our own nervous systems. In Relational Companionship sessions, we learn how to swim in relational energy. We learn how to attune to two or more nervous systems at once: our own, and the nervous systems of those we love. We learn how to tell the difference between our own and our loved ones energy, and we get to know a third thing: the energy we create together.

Have you ever had trouble discerning between your gunk and your loved one’s gunk? Who is feeling what? Who is carrying what? Have you ever carried someone else’s gunk for them without even realizing it? When this happens, it’s hard to keep a solid hold on our own ground and we loose our footing. We might even feel like we’re drowning.

This all gets a lot harder when conflict or disagreement surfaces. When we feel scared or overwhelmed, we can loose stock of what’s up or down and get disoriented quickly. When this happens, conflict tends to escalate as confusion rises and people become desperate for something to hold them up.

In this work, we learn how to hold onto ourselves in the trickiest of relational moments. We learn how to stay in touch with our needs and wants, and how to communicate them. We learn how to reduce overwhelm and escalation and stay present with our needs, wants, and collective wellbeing.

Relationships are Magic. When we have the somatic and communication tools to navigate these tricky relational moments, we can access even more of this Magic.

I am a light wizard. I use intuitive abilities and somatics to connect with your needs and guide our movements in session. Our spirit guides, ancestors, and teachers (both yours and mine) are always with us and they, too, support me in guiding you towards your goals.

The Empress card from the Rider-Waite Tarot deck sits atop leafy branches in the Southern California sunshine looking at us with her nourishing gaze of abundance.

The Empress is one of our guides in our Relational Conflict Companionship sessions. What do you feel when you look at her? She wears her best (and favorite, and most comfortable) clothes out into her garden and is not concerned about them getting dirty. She feels confident and restful sitting on her lush blankets and pillows: she has everything she needs to feel at ease, and connected to her power. She’s comfortable here, you can see it in the way she sits. Water flows behind her. She teaches us to be at ease with our abundance, power, emotions, and gifts. She teaches us how to nurture.

Red flowers are also our guides in Relational Conflict Companionship work. Red symbolizes power. The color red has a vibration that moves at a slower pace. This pace supports us in staying connected with ourselves and our power while we extend our noticing outwards to others. We can remain rooted in ourselves and stay present with our energy while we tune in to the energy of our loved ones. These flowers remind us how to slow down and remain powerful and sturdy yet warm and nourishing all at the same time.

I am not a therapist or healthcare provider and I do not diagnose or treat any conditions. My role is to provide companionship, peer support, & health coaching. Healing companionship services are not a substitute for therapy or medical care by a licensed healthcare provider.


  • I offer sessions at my office at Everybody Gym and virtually.

    Everybody Gym is located on 1845 North San Fernando Road, Los Angeles, CA, 90065

  • This work is scheduled in sets of 4 relational sessions. This allows us the time to learn and practice new somatic & communication skills.

    We start off with a 1:1 session with each member so that we set goals and figure out what each person's needs are in the upcoming relational set.

    We have two relational sessions, then we will do another 1:1 check in with each member halfway through the set.

    One the set is complete, we reflect on how we've met our goals. If additional sets are desired, we continue as needed.

    Most folks need between 1-3 sets before reaching their relational goals. Each set contains 4 relational sessions and 4 1:1 sessions.

    Example schedule for a couple (two people):

    Week 1: Two 1:1 sessions with each person

    Week 2: 1st Relational Session

    Week 3: 2nd Relational Session

    Week 4: Two 1:1 sessions with each person to check in on how we are attuning to relational goals

    Week 5: 3rd Relational Session

    Week 6: 4th Relational Session

    Week 7: Two 1:1 sessions to reflect on how the set went. Initial goals were met, and new needs have been discovered. We schedule another set to work on new goals.

  • 60 minutes

  • $200 per session

  • Yes! Please fill out this form to request sliding scale sessions.

    I have a deep commitment to making this work accessible. My journey has been nourished by many mentors and practitioners who have generously offered their gifts to me at sliding scale rates. They are the reason I am here now today, able to share my Magic with you. I am honored and excited to continue extending this tradition and paying it forward.

    Please do not hesitate to fill out this form and inquire about sliding scale sessions. You deserve nourishment and care and I would be more than honored to support you in your healing journey.

  • Yes! I love trades! If you're interested in trading, please email me at with a bit about you and your work. Please share what type of trade you have in mind.