Somatic Healing Circles
These circles give us the opportunity to bring our Magic into the collective.
Together, we practice somatic and communication tools to bring our healing into the collective atmosphere.
The magic of a waterfall is not just the water. It is the rocks that gather the water together and direct its flow, giving it something to push off of. It is the moss and plants that nourish and aliven, bringing breath into the water. It is the air that catches and carries away the spritz and mist and droplets.
In our groups, we get to experience the yumminess of existing together in space. We take pleasure in swimming in our group ocean where there are golden yellow fish, sandy beaches, many species of kelp, crab fish, and mussels. All underneath a golden sun that excites in nourishing us.
We are not alone. We exist in unison. Let’s swim together.
Upcoming Circles:
Nervous System Group Regulation for our Lungs
This group focuses on supporting our nervous systems to decrease inflammation, and increase flow & movement to support our bodies in detoxing out harmful pollutants from the LA wildfires. This is a mutual aid offering with a sliding scale starting at $0-$25. January 23-February 20th, 2025. Online. 5 weeks of drop-in meetings.
Click here to register.
A circle for trans men to heal shame and build community with each other around our masculinity & manhood. April 3-June 5th, 2025. Online. Caps at 10 members. 10 weeks.
Click here for more information and to register.
Land Circle
Healing our relationship to the land through somatics. This might take place outdoors in a park in Los Angeles. Date and details TBD.
Sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page to be the first to know when new circles become available.
I am not a therapist or healthcare provider and I do not diagnose or treat any conditions. My role is to provide companionship, peer support, & health coaching. Healing companionship services are not a substitute for therapy or medical care by a licensed healthcare provider.
This archetype of Strength is one of our guides in our groups. On first glance, it may appear that the lion is the one who represents strength here. In fact, it is both the woman and the lion who, when held together, represent true Strength. The lion is strong and powerful, and could attack the woman at any time, if he wanted to. The woman knows that she cannot wrangle her lion with physical force. She would loose that battle. They represent two parts of ourselves: the lion is the young part of us who doesn’t know their power (which is Vast), and the woman is our higher self who knows how to dance with and attune to our lion. Strength teaches us how to hold two things at once. When we master this skill, the next card in the Tarot is Temperance.
Water is another guide for us in our groups. Water teaches us how to be fluid. Imagine dipping your fingers into this water. How do the ripples feel on your skin? Can you feel the pulsing of the waterfall just beyond this spot in the creek? How does the cool water feel on the tips of your fingers? What does it smell like?